Latest news

Pocket Reporter, your personal “news editor in your pocket”, has been given a makeover that includes lots of new election reporting templates and resources, just in time for South Africa’s General Election.

Civic Technology

By understanding how complex legal processes play out in the real world (not just in a textbook) we can design tools and systems that empower ordinary people to access justice in our courts.

Active Citizenry Citizen Empowerment

Learning how to use pivot tables is a milestone in your ability to wrangle data. It is a key tool for basic analysis of data. What happens if your data has already been pivoted and you want to unpivot? This brief tutorial shows you how using OpenRefine.

Data training Civic Technology

We value collaboration

We help civil society and government use data and simple technology, effectively. Societies are successful when communities and governments work together. With our partners, we’re creating an ecosystem that supports informed, empowered and active citizens.

We provide technical advice, guidance for releasing and using open data, and build civic technology platforms that bridge communities and governments and solve people’s problems. Technology is not our focus, but rather a means to achieve our goals.

We're incredibly proud to work with these organisations

We teach people the power of data

TrainUp, our data training programme, teaches people and organisations how to use data to find trends, spot stories and communicate effectively using information

Our standard courses are taught over two days, but we can tailor them to fit your needs and we can integrate your organisation’s own datasets into the course.

Read more about TrainUp

We value openness

Naked Data Newsletter

Our weekly newsletter on data, journalism, civic tech and everything in between. Every Friday, to get your weekend started.

The latest five issues

Full archive

Who we are

We are a group of post-corporate, tech and media professionals who cut our teeth in the commercial sector and now use our skills for social good

Are you interested in joining our team and doing work that matters? Check out our job openings

Our founding principles are guided by section 32 of the South African consitution:

Everyone has the right of access to any information held by the state; and any information that is held by another person and that is required for the exercise or protection of any rights
Read more about us