Open By-laws South Africa is a project to help South Africans be more informed about the legislation that governs them.
OpenUp has partnered with Cape Agulhas Municipality to put the municipality's by-laws online, helping to make them easier to find, read and share.
What we learnt collaborating with Romania and Poland on civic tech for open legislation.
The enormous impact of cloud computing on the pace of business innovation over the last ten years bears an important lesson for the law and the government: the significant value of shared, re-usable resources.
The Indigo Legislation Platform now powers Open By-laws South Africa, a big jump forward for re-use, free access to law, and open source legislation software.
Occasionally I wonder why our work matters. How does it make our lives easier and promote better engagement with government. I have a sad tale to tell about a garden that I planted which was subsequently destroyed by the council and how I plan to get to the bottom of it.